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New Moon / Eclipse Alchemy Ritual & Goddess Offerings

mer. 19 avr.


Quantum Field Trip

On April 19 I will be doing a new moon / eclipse ceremony in Kona Hawaii. We will alchemize with the new solar year. New Moon in Aries comes the day before an extremely rare hybrid solar eclipse on April 20. This is happening in the cusp of Aries and Taurus with the Sun and Moon in both placements.

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New Moon / Eclipse Alchemy Ritual & Goddess Offerings
New Moon / Eclipse Alchemy Ritual & Goddess Offerings

Time & Location

19 avr. 2023, 18:00 – 20 avr. 2023, 22:00

Quantum Field Trip

About the Event

The new moon will peak at 6:12 pm April 19th

The hybrid solar eclipse will begin April 19 and peak April 20.

This unusual eclipse will path in Australia and Indonesia. It appears in the southern hemisphere of Earth.

Il y a un groupe pour cet événement. Vous pourrez le rejoindre dès que vous vous serez inscrit à cet événement.

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