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🎶 Recent Recordings by Avalon Starling

Sacred Sounds: Divine Goddess Attunement

Indulge in the ethereal vibes of "Sacred Sounds: Divine Goddess Attunement," where Avalon Starling's percussion creates a celestial harmony to attune your spirit.


Embark on a sonic journey with "Retrograde," a composition by Avalon Starling that transcends temporal boundaries, weaving rhythmic tales in its cosmic melody.

Chakra Healing Sounds - Percussion Music EP (2020)

Dive into the therapeutic world of "Chakra Healing Sounds - Percussion Music EP," Avalon's inaugural release in 2020, designed to resonate with the energy centers of the body.


Feel the grounding force of "Solidity," as Avalon Starling's percussion creates a rhythmic foundation that echoes with strength and stability.


Experience the artistry of rhythm with "Rhythmography," where Avalon Starling's percussion weaves intricate patterns that tell a story through sound.

ASMR (Sounds)

Indulge in the soothing sounds of ASMR, a unique auditory experience created by Avalon Starling, designed to evoke relaxation and sensory tingles.

🌟 Immerse Yourself in the Harmonic Tapestries of Sound

Explore the diverse range of Avalon Starling's recent recordings, each offering a unique sonic experience. Whether you seek celestial attunement, therapeutic rhythms, or the calming embrace of ASMR, Sound Space Music invites you to discover the transformative power of sound.

• ॐ • expanding collective consciousness through raising positive vibrations  • ♬ •

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THE SOUND SPACE® est une marque déposée de SOUND HEALING PRODUCTS LLC. Tous les droits sont réservés. Droits d'auteur © 2021. Tous les matériaux sont protégés par la loi internationale sur le droit d'auteur et ne peuvent être copiés ou reproduits sans le consentement écrit de SOUND HEALING PRODUCTS LLC.

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